Rajnish Noonia

Rajnish is either a software developer who understands architecture or a software architect who codes, with 15+ years of commercial experience within commodity, finance, healthcare, e-commerce, education and retail sector. Having successfully delivered a variety of projects on the .NET platform, he possesses a proven ability to deliver complex solutions and provide technology leadership, governance and support throughout the project life cycle, from concept to implementation and support. He has a proven track record at delivering systems from large scale enterprise systems capable of scaling to thousands of concurrent users, data rich systems to smaller scale rapid development.

He is founder of Pixytech Limited and currently helping his clients building complex IT systems.

He was graduated from the University of Kurukshetra in 2000 with a degree in Electronics, and in the following year completed an Master of Information Technology at the University of Guru Jambheshwer.

Awards :

  • Best Overall Innovation Idea awarded by Steria for UniConnect. UniConnect allows wide range of support teams to effectively manage large chain of stores.Developed with Silverlight ,WCF and have in-build module for remote shell console ,desktop sharing & ability to discover stores resources.
  • Best Practices & New Ideas Innovation awarded by Steria for AIMS.AIMS (Application Integration & Management Solution) is a framework that provides the capability to design an end-to-end Business Process as a decision workflow of individual monitoring tasks.
  • Customer satisfaction awarded by steria client (UK) for proposing innovative solution and service improvements.
  • Planet source code ‘Superior Code’ coding contest winner and have contributed various articles.